It is our pride and honor to publicly publish the financial reports and other transparency documents needed for the general public to know the status and developments of DILG Region 7.

LGUs w/out website full Disclosures

The Full Disclosure Policy is the new thrust of DILG under the leadership of Secretary Jesse M. Robredo.

The 1987 Constitution guarantees the right of the Filipino people to information on matters of public concern (Art. III, Section 7). To this end, the Aquino Administration has made a covenant to tread the straight and narrow path of transparency with the vision that public institutions are rebuilt on the strong solidarity of the society and its communities.

Guided by the foregoing principle, DILG scaled up interventions to elevate the practice of governance that values transparency, accountability, participation and performance into an institutionalized status through the issuance of MC No. 2010-88 re Full Disclosure of Local Budget and Finances. The Circular directs all Governors, City/Municipal Mayors to post in conspicuous places within public buildings in the locality, or in print media of community or general circulation, and in their websites, the LGUs’ documents needing public disclosure.

Legal Basis and Mandate

  • DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2011-08
    Directing the entire Department and its attached agencies, and all Local Chief Executives (LCEs) to comply with Section 90 of R.A. 10147 of the General Appropriations Act for FY 2011
  • DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2011-08
    Directing the entire Department and its attached agencies, and all Local Chief Executives (LCEs) to comply with Section 90 of R.A. 10147 of the General Appropriations Act for FY 2011

Expected Outcomes

  • High level of compliance among those required by law to fully disclose the required financial transactions.
  • Lawful, proper and rationalized use of government’s financial resources.
  • More resources channeled to development programs that will redound to the benefit of the people, especially the masses.

Core/Key Messages

  • Local Government Units are mandated to comply to the Full Disclosure Policy.
  • The DILG is committed to fully enforce the “Full Disclosure Policy” under Section 90, and responsible officials are mandated to obey the law.
  • The DILG is committed to fully enforce the “Full Disclosure Policy” under Section 90, and responsible officials are mandated to obey the law.
  • Full Disclosure Policy is a banner program under DILG’s Reform Program – “Biyaheng Pinoy: Tapat na Palakad, Bayang Maunlad” – in celebration of the 20 years of local autonomy in the Philippines.
  • Full Disclosure promotes Local Governance Reforms toward Transparency, Accountability, Performance, and Responsiveness.
  • Compliance is an act of patriotism, public accountability and honesty.
  • Non-compliance may be viewed as anti-good governance.