The Regional Director

Regional Director
Department of the Interior and Local Government Region 7
Regional Director Leocadio T. Trovela, CESO III
Director Leocadio T. Trovela is a career executive service official with a rank of CESO III.
He has an extensive 34-year experience in government service starting from 1989. He
has witnessed the evolution of the department to what is now as the DILG brought about
by the passage of the local government code that gave rise to decentralization and
community empowerment.
Prior to his assignment in DILG Region 7 effective last August 22, 2018, he was the
director of the National Barangay Operations Office (NBOO), a Bureau of DILG that
handles various programs on social protection for vulnerable sectors, women and children
issues, anti-trafficking, transnational crime, anti-illegal drugs, human rights, community
empowerment, and reintegration program for former rebels, among others.
He is deeply involved in the preparation of the country report on the Convention against
torture and was a member of the Philippine Delegation during the Revalida in Geneva.
And a member of the Philippine delegation as well for the Universal Periodic Review in
Geneva. He was the former Imprest Administrator of a project funded by the European
Union involving several agencies on access to justice such as the Supreme Court,
Department of Justice, Commission of Human Rights and others in a program called EU
Philippines Justice Support Program or EPJUST II.
Director Trovela started his stint in the Department as barangay government operations
officer in 1989. He then became the assistant regional director (ARD) of DILG Regional
Office 3, which he held for 4 years. Before that, he was the Assistant Director of the
Bureau of Local Government Development (BLGD) at the DILG Central Office. He’s now
the Regional Director of DILG Central Visayas for the last five years.
As he rose from the ranks, he attended numerous trainings and seminars and schooling
to hone his skills as public servant. Notable of which, he had his Master in Public
Administration (MPA) from the University of the Philippines, Diliman as a government
scholar of the Local Scholarship Program of the Civil Service Commission (CSC). He was
a United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) Fellow, a graduate of Certificate Course
on Environmental Management at the University of Adelaide in Adelaide, South Australia.
He is a fellow of Daniel K. Inouye Asia Pacific Center on Security Studies (APCSS) ,
Hawaii, USA where he completed the course on Advanced Security Cooperation (ASC