DILG-LG Sector's Main Thrusts

Mobilize local governments and exact accountability among local officials in the fight against illegal drugs, criminality, and insurgency, and in ensuring internal security and public safety

Sustain the drive for good local governance, institutionalize people participation and heighten efforts to deter corruption in the local level

Help LGUs address the needs of the people, especially in conflict-affected and disaster stricken communities 

Ensure local environmental protection and LGU preparedness and resilience in dealing with natural disasters and other calamities

Stimulate local economic development by capacitating LGUs on streamlining local permitting and regulatory processes, and rehabilitating provincial roads

Strengthen internal governance through enhancing ICT systems, creation of additional positions, construction and acquisition of facilities and offices, and procurement of essential equipment

DILG Priorities for the Remainder of the Year





Spearhead efforts to end local communist insurgency through whole-of nation approach

Scale-up efforts to fight illegal drugs

Craft immediate and responsive strategies that will contribute to countryside development

Assist the National Government and LGUs in responding to current health crisis

Full Disclosure Policy

The program monitors LGU compliance to DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2010-88 or the Full Disclosure of Local Budget and Finances.

Full disclosure policy requires local government units to post their budgets and finances, and bids and public offerings in government websites, newspapers of general circulation, and in other conspicuous and appropriate places.

Adherence to the policy is now compulsory, as provided by Section 90 of Republic Act 10147 or the General Appropriations Act of 2011.

Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS)

The CBMS is an organized way of collecting information at the local level for use of local government units, national government agencies, non-government organizations, civil society and development partner agencies for planning, program implementation and monitoring.

It is a tool intended for improved governance and greater transparency and accountability in resource allocation. The tool promotes evidence-based decision making. It involves the participation of various stakeholders at each geopolitical level

Performance Challenge Fund

This awards program aims to stimulate LGUs to put premium on performance in order to avail themselves of the financial package that they could use to jumpstart and sustain local development initiatives that are aligned to the Millennium Development Goals.

Specifically, it is an incentive fund to qualified LGUs which comes in the form of counterpart funding for Local Development Projects under the LGU Annual Investment Program (AIP) and funded out of the 20% Development Fund which are consistent with the national development.

Enhancing LGU Capacity on Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA)

In line with the call for LGUs to take the lead on disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation, all 136 LGUs in Central Visayas will be provided with orientation / technical assistance on Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) Formulation and Mainstreaming the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) in the CDP Process.

Streamlining of Business Permits and Licensing System (BPLS)

The program aims to streamline the processing of business permits and licensing in priority LGUs nationwide and develop the capacities of LGUs to effectively conduct the BPLS streamlining.

Peace and Order Councils

The DILG is providing technical assistance and secretariat services to the POOCs at the regional, provincial, city and municipal levels.

We are also monitoring the organization and functionality of BPOCs

Local Governance Resource Center

Is a dynamic, interactive and virtual program that contributes to building DILG as a knowledge centric organization or KCO and builds learning communities that pursue local governance excellence through knowledge sharing and innovation.