The DILG-LG Sector Outcome Framework

The DILG-LG Sector Outcome Framework emphasizes what we do in the Department, based on our mandate which is general supervision over local government units (LGUs), having meaning and significance in the overall design of things in our society. 
Being the primary agency tasked to develop and scale up the capacities of LGUs, render performance oversight and provide incentives to LGUs that excel and perform, we need to position ourselves in a way that we can greatly influence and transform LGUs into becoming development-oriented where self-reliance is a way of life, and where law and order and public safety prevail. This will hasten the ability of our LGUs to contribute to the achievement of inclusive growth for the country and poverty reduction.
For both to materialize fast, both the DILG and the LGUs need to be robust to meet their respective mandate, with the former needing to strengthen its internal governance capacity to shepherd and nurture LGUs to become accountable, transparent, participative and effective in rendering services to their constituents. On the other hand, the LGUs need to strive to observe these tenets of good governance to effectively discharge their own duties and responsibilities, en route to becoming socially-protective and safe; business-friendly and competitive; and disaster-prepared and climate change-adaptive.
Without the DILG avidly pushing LGUs to observe and practice good governance, the drive for clean, honest and good governance will not be as successful. Without the LGUs, the vision for inclusive growth and poverty reduction is likely to remain farfetched. In short, a robust DILG helps produce robust LGUs. 
 The Department shall have the following performance targets in CY 2020 categorized by Organizational and Sub-Sectoral Outcomes:

Business Friendly and Competitive LGUs

This is a condition where LGUs spur sustainable economic and inclusive growth by engaging business sector, promoting local trade/ businesses and generating employment. This can beattained when LGUs bring about an environment where economic development is possible and sustainable, either through the responsible use of their powers provided them by the Local Government Code, or promoting and implementing programs and projects that boost their economic and business potentials such as reforming their current systems for processing businesses and permits or adopting practices that enable them to attract more businesses and investments in their communities — or both — which are vital for livelihood and employment opportunities to flourish, benefitting in the process the residents, especially the poor.


  • Improve LGU Competitiveness and Ease of Doing Business
  • M&E and Support for the Conditional Matching Grant to Provinces (CMGP) 


Environment-Protective, Climate Change Adaptive and Disaster Resilient LGUs

This is a condition where LGUs adequately and effectively protect the environment and confront the challenges posed by climate change and disasters on their constituents and community in a sustainable manner.  This can be attained when LGUs adequately and effectively protect the environment and confront the challenges posed by climate change and disasters on their constituents and community.  When LGUs are protective of their environment and are climate change- and disaster-resilient, they effectively address as well the vulnerability of their constituents as unabated environmental abuse, climate change and disasters take their toll on the citizenry and local economy. 


  •  Operation Listo
  •   Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation Monitoring