Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG)-7 Director Leocadio Trovela commended the bravery and sacrifices of the fire officers during the 31st Bureau of Fire and Protection (BFP-7) Anniversary on Friday, August 5, 2022, in Cebu City.

Dir. Trovela was the guest of honor and speaker of the said event.

“This day, in celebration of the 31st BFP Anniversary, we express our deepest gratitude for your service to our communities and our Nation, and we also pay tribute to the men and women who risk their lives to protect our own,” he said.

He assured that the DILG-Local Government Sector 7 is one with the BFP-7, local government units, the private institutions and volunteers in building a fire-free and progressive community.

“Your excellent performance will never go unnoticed. Continue to showcase the best in you, while inspiring others in service,” Dir. Trovela said.

Dir. Trovela together with BFP-7 Director CSupt Jaime D Ramirez led the presentation of awards to local government units, private institutions, fire volunteers, organization units and offices.

“Your DILG 7 family will be with you to win all our endeavors especially in realizing your vision for a modern fire service fully capable of ensuring a fire-safe Central Visayas,” he ended.