GFPS and Gender Mainstreaming Orientation held
May 5, 2021

Members of the GAD Focal Point System Technical Working Group (TWG) attended the online orientation on GFPS and Gender Mainstreaming on November 24, 2021.
The activity was spearheaded by the Local Government Capability Development Division led by LGOO VII Maria Thelya Oporto, GAD TWG Chair LGOO III Gerlou Tibon, and GAD point persons in the region.
Meanwhile, LGOO VII Ma Reina Quilas of DILG Bohol Province served as the resource speaker.
The group will meet again early next year prepare the GAD Plan and Budget 2023 and the GAD Accomplishment Report 2021.
One of the functions of the committee is to assist the office in the preparation of the GAD Plan and Budget and GAD Accomplishment Report.